By       in Flags & Flagpoles, Portfolio Display

Do I need planning permission to install a flagpole?

“Do I need planning permission to install a flagpole?” This question often comes with varied answers. Here’s a general guide to help. If you plan to fly the Union flag or any national flag, you don’t need planning permission to install a flagpole. However, if you’re using a mounted flagpole for advertising or promotional purposes, you’ll likely need consent from your local council under Advertisement Regulations. Flagpoles on listed buildings also require listed building consent.

Typically, only one flagpole is allowed on buildings, including listed buildings or those within conservation areas. Major public buildings or establishments like chain stores or hotels might receive exceptions. Since local councils have different policies, always consult with your local council before proceeding with your plans.

Planning permission is generally required for flags used in advertising. However, portable flagpoles offer a convenient alternative as they don’t need planning permission. They are a popular choice for new and used car dealerships. If you’re in need of high-quality flagpoles, contact us today.


  1. A local building site which is building 22 houses & 8 flats recently put up 7 flags advertising the company. They were all above 4.6 mtrs. As they had not asked for permission, they were made to take them down. They have now asked for a retrospective application. In your opinion will they get permission. The regs seem to say that 2 flags for that number of properties would be allowed. The site already has a large amount of advertising material along its boundary & on high hoardings.

    1. Each council tends to have it’s own set of rules. I was once in Harrogate at a motor dealer and I know that they would turn an application down for permanent poles. So the dealer used portable flagpoles and had no issues. It’s always best to check with your council. A quick call should answer any questions.

  2. QUOTE “Portable flagpoles are an alternative solution as they do not require planning permission. A preferred option for new and used car dealerships.” This does not appear to be the case as a number of car dealerships in Bury are all being threatened with enforcement action against portable flagpoles located under car wheels.. Some have made application for advertisement consent and been refused..

    1. That’s interesting to know, I’ve never heard of an issue with Portable Flagpoles that are secured under a vehicles wheel. I wonder whether they have gone for overkill and displayed a lot more than necessary.
      We have seen some dealers put up literally hundreds of portable flagpoles on one site, and then a week later the number has been drastically reduced. So they were probably targeted by the council.
      As long as you are sensible there shouldn’t be an issue, and if there is then you can deal with your local council, as each one has there own rules.

  3. We recently replaced the old flagpole in our Church grounds which had been around for over 60 years in preparation to celebrate 100years of the Church having been built we flew the Saint Michael’s Flag and within 24hrs an objection to the Council was sent by a neighbour to say the flag and flagpole (4″dia 6mts tall) was obstructing his view Since last October we have awaited the outcome of Planning to now be told its advertising so it cant be flown
    Our Church used to (10years ago) celebrate the Saints Feast days as they fell due plus show respect by ‘drooping ‘ the flag on special occasions Mind you this is in Wales Where the law says you can erect a Flag Pole but not fly a flag Anyone travelling though our Town will not fail to notice 17 flags of different natation’s and designs hanging from the walls of buildings

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