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Bunting and Banner Stands Just Two Important Pre-Order Essentials for 2013 Events Diary

The company schedules and event diaries at organisations across the country should now be filling up nicely for the remainder of 2013, with special events, one-off sales, promotional drives and other important occasions all pencilled in. With these occasions firmly ensconced in the diary, businesses can start to plan ahead for their strategies surrounding them, whether that be to send out a collection of promotional flyers to advertise their services at certain points during the year, or by ordering a batch of indoor or outdoor banner stands which will accompany them to various events across the country. Buying all materials in advance is a great way to cut down the ‘To Do’ list which often swells to mammoth proportions the closer an event actually gets.

Holding marketing product launches, VIP events, press days and seminars at the company premises is always a good way to welcome in new customers. Organisations dealing with customer on a face-to-face basis hold these types of occasions at least annually or bi-annually with one such example being special launch nights in garages for new models of vehicle. Clearly appropriate brand emphasis needs to be in place for these events to generate long term ROI; this can be achieved through the use of printed bunting, posters, literature holders and a variety of other promotional devices such as welcome packs, information packs, postcards, branded giveaways and integrated digital marketing. A last-minute scramble to properly ‘brand’ a company and set it up for one of these events can mean a lot of time and money wasted. Certain deals may not be taken advantage of at such short notice, and if ordered at the last minute there is no time to verify that the chosen items will be enough to embellish the given space. Ordering an appropriate amount of time in advance gives staff members time to check the orders thoroughly and to order any extra materials if they feel this is necessary.

Many businesses also like to take a display and a core of sales staff to regional or national trade shows and events where they can showcase their wares appropriately. Ordering banner stands and printed PVC banners early is imperative in these instances, as it is vital to check that sizes and graphics are correct and will be displayed properly. It is also worth purchasing everything to do with a display in advance and embarking on some test run of the assembly process with the staff members who will be present; arriving at an event and taking half an hour to build a basic stand does not scream professionalism and can give off a negative impression. Ordering banners in advance and planning the graphics carefully also gives teams the chance to get feedback on their designs by experts. Sending off a design a week in advance only to be told alterations need to be made could leave a company without any images and graphics for their space.

The ultimate preparation tips

  • Make a list of each promotional item you’ll need for each event pencilled into the diary. Include all display items such as flags, bunting, posters and banner stands
  • Tally up how many of each item you’ll need, decide if items can be re-used at more than one event and then find an experienced supplier with bulk discount offers or special spring sales you can take advantage of
  • Leave time to get feedback on designs from the promotional company you choose. Leaving your order until a few days before the big event means there is little time for improvements to be made
  • Have a dry run when your banner stand and other promotional materials needing installation or set-up arrive. Get staff to practise putting up and taking down so you don’t miss valuable leads at the exhibition or trade show by not being ready when the doors open
  • If you’re going to order items such as mini flags, leaflets, welcome packs etc. make sure you build in a margin for any that may get lost or broken and for higher take up rates than expected. It’s better to have a few left over at the end of the day than run out mid-afternoon

For more event tips and to order a wide range of promotional material for your 2013 events, visit

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